Thursday, October 28, 2010

Every Vote Counts..?

    I didn't pay attention to the mayoral debate this year. I have only lived in Toronto for a year now, and I will be leaving the city within the next two years. Therefore, it didn't really seem necessary for me to vote for a mayor of a city that I will soon be leaving... A vote of ignorance is far worse than not voting at all.

    My grandfather, on the other hand, decided to vote as usual. When I asked him how it went, he told me that he didn't understand how to make his vote, so he ended up not voting at all. How disgusting is it that no body working at the polling station would help a clueless, eighty-five year old man vote?! If everyone's vote is supposed to count, then why should seniors be ignored when they are obviously lost and confused about the voting process? Someone should help these poor elderly pepole, not ignore them and expect them to figure it out on their own. Seniors are just as important as everyone else, and they have a right to vote just like everyone else too. Great job, Toronto. This is just unacceptable.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pepsi Prevails!

     I've never really been much of a soft-drink person. I would take a glass of apple juice over a bubbly, nose-stinging drink anyday. When I do drink pop though, I always buy Pepsi, except for the other day when I was forced to buy Coke at a restaurant that didn't carry Pepsi. Needless to say, I was not impressed. There is just something raunchy in the way that Coke tastes...almost like it has no flavour. Pepsi on the other hand, has some kind of spice to it, and it tastes much sweeter than Coke does. Pepsi tickles my taste buds in a way that no can of Coke ever could, end of story!